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제 10 호 Current Status of University Student’s Book Purchases and Loans

  • 작성일 2021-05-27
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  • 조회수 13604


Current Status of University Student’s Book Purchases and Loans

by Yoo-Jung Kim, Editor-In-Chief


  The Ministry of Education and the Korea Institute of Education and Academic Information (KERIS) released the "2020 University Library Statistical Survey and Results on Changes in the Last 10 Years."

  According to the results, 4.0 books were borrowed from the university library by one student, down about half from 8.3 books in 2011. The Korea Institute of Education and Academic Information announced that the biggest factor was the recent change in the form of use by using e-books. The percentage of paper book purchases and loans is decreasing or holding steady. On the other hand, electronic data like e-books usage is rapidly increasing. Electronic data increased by 9.3 percent compared to 2011. Then let's find out what's different between paper books and electronic materials, and what each university student prefers.

Comparison of Paper Books and Electronic Materials

  Paper books have been actively used since the past. Because it is made of paper, it is possible to take notes with a pen or pencil, and even mark what you read in a book with a bookmark. The number of pages displayed in the appendix section allows you to read or find a book directly to the page you want. If you prefer paper books, you can read them with a pen on and often like them because they have less eye fatigue than electronic materials. In some cases, people like the texture of paper books. Some people like traces of time in paper books in the library. Used bookstores selling old books are also popular among people in their 20s these days.

Electronic data means viewing documents through an E-book or iPad. For electronic materials, various materials such as general books and papers can be conveniently viewed. If you prefer electronic materials, you often like to read neatly organized books and like formalized handwriting. Electronic materials are not easily dirty compared to paper books and can be copied numerous times. These days, people prefer it because electronic materials can easily do functions such as attaching pictures and capturing, which cannot be done in paper books. Another reason is that tablets such as iPad and Galaxy Tab have recently developed, making it easier to access electronic materials.

< Paper Books and Electronic Materials>

University Students' Preference for Paper Books and Electronic Materials

  As mentioned earlier, a recent study found that most college students had a higher preference for electronic materials than paper books. This is a figure that covers most students. Therefore, some college students prefer paper books or e-books. According to the survey, 92% of American college students prefer paper books to e-books. As a result, the U.S. had a high preference for e-books before, but then again, the preference for paper books increased. Like this, we can't conclude because we don't know when our university students' preferences will change.

Sangmyung University Students' Thoughts on Paper Books and Electronic Materials

  Students at Sangmyung University may have used all of their paper books or electronic materials. There will be various opinions, such as using both paper books and electronic materials, using only paper books, and using only electronic materials. In addition, when used, the preference for specific materials may be high and both may feel similar. "What is your favorite type of book as a student at Sangmyung University?" I would like to ask you this question.

  If you prefer paper books, press the Agree button. On the contrary, if you prefer electronic data, press the Disagree button. If you're neutral, please enjoy the article and don't press the button.